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Peat is a habit tracking app that keeps you motivated.

Peat does one single thing very well: It allows you to track your successfull habit completions. Peat's focused approach to habit tracking gives you a visual reminder of your progress without pressuring you to keep up with some streak.

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A focused overview of all your habits

I believe that always visible tally lists are the best tool to track your habits. Take a pen and a piece of paper, make a line when you completed the thing you want to complete regularly, the end. Over time the amount of lines grows and you see your progress. If you stop making lines, you know that you're stagnating. Peat replicates this principle.

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Every user has only one single status that's shown in a timeline

Peat presents you with an easy to use calendar interface. Add a green square for every successfull completion. Completed a habit several time on the same day? No problem, Peat allows unlimited completions per day.

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Every user has only one single status that's shown in a timeline

Keep an eye on your overall progress or dive deep into the nitty-gritty of one single habit. Peat's statistics give you an easy to use tool to stay in control of what's most important to you.

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